Some things I have found helpful for Truck Simulation Part 1


Lets take a look at SimHub this is a stellar application that shouldn't be ignored.  There is a lot you can do with it and you will learn very quickly its a awesome tool to have in your belt.  This is a great way to use old phones and tablets and external displays for information on your favorite support game.

Check out this picture I have a speedometer cluster and one of my own dashboards running on a old phone and tablet.

Here is an example of a couple dashboards I created.  This Dashboard displays all kinds of great information on both the game and my PC. I have a route advisor at the top so I can easily spot the next gas station, rest stop or service station.  Below I have everything from my FPS to where I'm going.  This dashboard has been my way of learning from the elders of Simhub.  This is actually a Frankenstein of many great dashboards  I have found over time.   

Let's take a moment to see what's going on behind the scenes of SimHub. We will focus on the fuel gauge to the lower right hand side just above the speed limit.

This may look and seem overwhelming there is a lot you can do.  So   we are going to see how SimHub is able to use data from the game and output it to something useful visually for all of us to enjoy.  Starting with the Fuel gauge its easy to see how useful it can be.

First we can take a look at all that SimHub offers in regards to telemetry data that can be collected from the games we love. You will notice I chose the show game specific properties option.  That helps narrow down our search. Now in the search bar you can begin looking up what you want to report on.  In the case of fuel we have a few options. We can report on how much fuel we have.  We can report on how much we have in a percentage and lastly the unit of measurement. This is all very powerful data that will help you on those long hauls.

With this data we can attach it to our widget or gauge or however we want to display it.  In this case the author used a Linear Gauge.

Taking a look at the value you can use the calc option shown as fx.

You will see how the value for the fuel gauge is using the GameData.NewData.FuelPercent that we saw when we were looking at what was available under fuel options under available properties.  With the telemetry data coming from American Truck Simulator its able to animate the linear gauge for us so we have a working fuel meter.  This can be applied to any of the available game properties we can pull.

This one is a nice notepad that displays helpful information while in the game.  This was my first from scratch build I have a alternate that is a green digital font.

You can download the notepad dashboard from the link below.

Link to the Dash

Check out my youtube video on the Notepad Dashboards I created.

I didn't even scratch the surface of what Simhub can do.  Check back to see future posts on the power of Simhub. It is very easy to install and configure I highly recommend that you check it out.  Explore it for yourself and let me know what you think.  

Link to Simhub


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