Welcome to C Ray's Sim Trucking Blog


Welcome to C Ray's Sim Trucking Blog.  Here I will share all my content from you tube videos to guides.  I will make this a collection of all content I can provide to the community.  So thank you very much for joining me on my journey. 

Welcome everyone to Part 1 of my Journey

In todays first post I would like to take you down the rabbit hole that has been Truck simulation.  We will talk about why I enjoy driving simulators, how I came to love Truck Sims and a little bit on my background.  

This was RaceSim 1.0 I had a Dell 22" monitor some Dirt Rally and my trusty Hori Racing Wheel Apex.  I had picked it up right as Covid hit.  I had just gotten laid off and for the first time in my I didn't have a job and with Covid I had some free time.  I had been working in IT for the last 15 years.  I was burnt out and ready for a break.  Being a fella in his late 30s I decided I wanted to play Grid again.  I had grew up with Gran Turismo like most kids from the PlayStation One generation.  I played Grid and downloaded Dirt Rally then I had to get back to reality.  I packed it all up and got back to work.  I worked pretty much all day so the time for games wasn't there. Fast forward 2 years after working all kinds of jobs I had gotten back into what I had been doing.  I was able to finally pick back up where I left off.  

Well I had to start tinkering.  Since I was a child I couldn't help but take things apart and build new things out it.  After seeing a fine video my AMStudio on Youtube everything fell into place.  I had a wheel pedals and now a hand brake.  I was ready to Rally.

Next I was onto more immersion so I modded my wheel to share the rumble motors with my pedals.

It was a awesome addition.  The more I played the more I tinkered.  I just wanted more.  I couldn't stop.  Its been a never ending battle that well I cant say I'm all that unhappy about.

Now a new contender has entered the ring.  We are onto the real beast.  Triple Monitors.  

I started with the one 22" then I would occasionally steal the bedroom TV when the wife was at work.  
Now I was fortunate enough that through a refresh I was able to get another 22" monitor and I already had a single 24" curved.  I was on my way.  

I could have been a day or a month but I saw someone made a canopy for their rig and I would turn off all the lights to race so I was all in with that idea.  

My weapon of choice was the foam project board from the dollar store.  Very versatile very light and easy to work with.  Everything was temporary at first It was very ad hoc.  I would add this one day take it away the next.  It was constantly evolving.  During this time I was able to get a Logitech G29 wheel pedals and shifter.  I was in heaven.  I was hauling ass every chance I could.

Well this will conclude part 1.  My apologies cutting it a little short but I wanted to break up my evolution  over a few posts so i didn't miss anything.   Stay tuned for part 2.  

Thank you 

C Ray


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